Whimsical Planters

My friend Ninette shared ideas for unusual planters. This one’s my favorite!
The Cranium Family – 2009 – Garden Designs – Decorating Ideas – HGTV Rate My Space.

Aren’t they just FABULOUS!?

Now to figure out where to get planters like this. I only have a wooden one that holds our keys in the foyer. I’ll probably look for DIY tips online. It would be awesome if I can make these myself!


  1. Cool! I was wondering what I could do with that old tiara…. 😉
    Seriously, if you find a source/figure out how to make these, I’m in!

  2. They’re beautiful!
    Truly gorgeous creations!
    I should get one…

  3. Pingback: Planting In Pots: A New Home Decor Concept | Green Grow Box

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